Thursday, June 6, 2013

Oh Man, My Babies Ten

This past weekend Dilon turned 10.  Can't believe it, but what Mother can believe it, at each and every birthday of each and every kid.  Dilon is such a fun guy, observant, sweet, thoughtful, funny young man.  We are so proud of him all the time.

For his birthday, he decided to go to the beach, have Greek Salad (yummy), ice cream cake from DQ, and presents.  It was such a nice, low-key day.  The kids were even sporting their p.j's after being at the beach. 

He's getting ready to dig into his Greek Salad.

Such a handsome 10 year old!

Everything he asked for was for his cake was too!!

Little dance session while singing, "Happy Birthday" to the "Big Guy" as Logan would say. 

My Boys

Georgia Boy even out in Cali.

Love this about sums it up! They love each other!!

 Swing batter, swing!!!

Happy Birthday to our Dilly Bob...We love you!!

See, I told you...Fun kid!!