Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Proud to be an American

Tonight during Dilon's soccer game ( on base) it became time for colors...games stopped (all of them), Marines in uniform saluted, Marines not in uniform stood at attention, kids, spouses, coaches, and refs all stood facing the flag as it was lowered for the evening!!

I love it! I am proud to be in America and to be an American! It was beautiful to see a large group of people stop what they were doing and honor our flag. I have seen it happen other times on base, anytime it is colors things stop, I've even seen cars stop on the road if evening colors is heard, but it hit me tonight. Thankful my children have this beautiful exposure in their lives.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Essay Contest

Matt saw an opportunity, through Military Times (a magazine) , for Dilon to write an essay how his Daddy's military service has changed his life, given him opportunities, made him feel more patriotic, or changed his outlook on life.

This is what Dilon, completely on his own wrote:

My Daddy being in the Marine Corps has helped me see stuff that I
 would have never seen.  I have made friends that I would have not made.  It also makes me feel more a part of my country.  I got to go to the ball when I was eight.   My favorite thing was the cake, and when the youngest and the oldest ate the cake. What I think is important is that it took men and women to die for the flag.
It warms my heart because it is not always easy to have Daddy gone, to move and leave friends, or to be so far from family.  I am so glad that he wanted to do the essay, that he is seeing the good side of things, and that he is proud of what his Daddy does and the contribution that he has as well!!