Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dance Competition

In March, Dilon had a dance competition...his first!  He was so excited and so nervous at the same time!!  He and his dance group have been working so hard on this routine.  It is a jazz routine to, 100% Pure Love.  Some of you old schoolers might remember the song and some of the dance moves...especially the butterfly!!  Or at least I remember it!

Well, their dance went great!! Dilon came off the stage with a big smile on his face saying that he wanted to do that again...and he will!  They won extreme and got third place in their age category.  Then the next week we found out that their score was high enough and they are invited back to finals in June! 

While Dilon was performing, his little brother and sister could not of been more proud of their big brother!!  They were cheering and calling out his name and when he was done Logan kept saying, "that was awesome, that was awesome."  When they met in the hallway it was big hugs and kisses for big brother!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Big Week Logan

Since we have moved to North Carolina, we have occasionally tried to help Logan learn to ride his bike without training wheels.  Mostly, he has been not been interested at all and the last couple of  months, between my broken foot and Matt being gone, it has not been happening. 

But, thankfully, Logan has an amazing big brother!!  Monday,  Dilon came in and asked me to take the training wheels off of Logan's bike because he was going to teach him!! 

Well, by George, he DID!  Logan DID IT!!

There was a jubilant group of Tolbert's in the backyard with p.j.'s on celebrating Logan's accomplishment!!  It warmed my heart to see how happy Jodie and Dilon were to watch Logan learn to ride is bike without extra wheels (as Jodie said).  Hugs and screams of joy all around!


Then today Jodie learned to pump her legs on the swing to keep herself going!!

They grow and learn so fast!