Monday, May 9, 2011

Painted Lady Butterflies

 After packing and moving about 14,000lbs worth of household goods and stuff, I have gone through an anti-toy or anything phase.  To help me with this, but still bring the kids a gift my Mom brought the kids a butterfly kit!

It had everything you need, except the butterflies. You just mail in a letter and they send you back 4-5 caterpillars to grow into Painted Lady Butterflies!

Release day!  We ended up with 4 butterflies out of the 5 caterpillars we started with.

They had so much fun and check the yard and every butterfly that flies through the yard to see if it is theirs!


  1. So fun! And perfect for your current mode of thinking...a "toy" that you get rid of naturally!!! love it!

  2. We are doing the whole painted lady thing too. Dominic got the butterfly garden for his birthday and four of our five have hatched and are now butterflies. We still have one more left. He was a late bloomer so I thing he is going to be okay. They were sure gross as caterpillars. I am happy they are finally out of that cup. :)

  3. Hey Christina, they were gross as caterpillars with thier frass everywhere! Glad that Dominic is enjoying it too. My kids loved it!
