Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dilon!!

I cannot believe that it has been 8 years since Dilon entered our lives.  It feels as if he has always been there!  
Dilon has got the kindest and most forgiving heart! We tell him all the time, "blessed are the peacemakers", because that is what he is!  He is always willing to lend a helping hand, and is sensitive to others and their feelings.  
Dilon always knows when his Mama needs a good hug.  
He is a good son, a good brother, and a good friend! He is interested in the world around him and will give anything a try once. 
We are so proud of the young man he is becoming and the decisions that he is making.  

We love you, Dilon!

Happy 8th Birthday!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


You may be wondering about my title, but after I explain and if you know about my last cat, then you will understand! When we first moved here in March, a little pure white kitty showed up.  I did not quickly set up a residence for her, but just left out some water.  She came and went for the first few weeks, and I assumed she had a home and I think she did, but then she started staying and was obviously hungry so I would feed her.  Then it became apparent why she was hanging around more-she was pregnant- and may of been kicked out of her previous home. 

Can I make a quick spill?? Spay your pets!!

After this we gave her a name and figured we would take care of her!!  She really is a sweet kitty and was even named, by none other than my husband!  She is named Tina after the llama in Napoleon Dynamite (I see this as a sweet gesture-not the fat lard, come get your food gesture).

This is actually the night she had her babies, and I got permission to put this picture out! It was too cute not to take it!

Jodie and Ryder playing with Tina while hunting for eggs.
Before Tina had her babies I called the vet and talked to other cat lovers, because I was really nervous about her having her babies and not knowing what to do.  I was assured that 99% of the time, cats do fine, because unlike dogs who come in all sizes, cats are pretty much one size! Well, I have decided that I am not listening to stats like that anymore, that is what they said about my last cat too!!

Anyway, Tina had a hard time and ended up having to have a, C-SECTION!!  Are you kidding me!! But in the end we ended up with two adorable little kittens (we lost one) named Pipp and Squeak (again Matthew's doing)!


Squeak (appropriately named)
They are so cute and the kids have loved having them and taking care of them!

So, it maybe thought that I am crazy (and maybe I am a little), but I like to think, mostly, that I am just a sucker for animals that need my help!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Horse Back Riding

Today, my boys had their first horse back riding lesson!!  They loved it and I promise to have pictures next time (we were running late and I ran our of the house without my camera).  Anyway, their instructor was showing them how to steer the horse, named Todd, around the arena!  They were doing great and had such huge smiles on their faces.  Then Logan called over his shoulder to me that he was driving a "horse car"!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Painted Lady Butterflies

 After packing and moving about 14,000lbs worth of household goods and stuff, I have gone through an anti-toy or anything phase.  To help me with this, but still bring the kids a gift my Mom brought the kids a butterfly kit!

It had everything you need, except the butterflies. You just mail in a letter and they send you back 4-5 caterpillars to grow into Painted Lady Butterflies!

Release day!  We ended up with 4 butterflies out of the 5 caterpillars we started with.

They had so much fun and check the yard and every butterfly that flies through the yard to see if it is theirs!


I am finally getting out the pictures from Easter. 

We had such a wonderful Saturday enjoying two Easter Egg Hunts.  The first was that morning at church and the second we did in our backyard with our great friends the Neill's!

We defintely have a batgirl theme going!!
The kids with their face painted:

Then on to our yard for another Hunt!

It was such a nice day and we were so thankful for all the fun we had! But, even more thankful for the reason that we celebrate Easter!