Wednesday, March 9, 2011

We Made It!!!

What three wonderful words those were!!  A trip that should of taken us, at the most with a loaded trailer 8 hours, took us 25!!!

Why you ask?  This is the first reason why....

On the side of I-95 we had a total blow out on our trailer.  We had a spare and had a jack, but the jack was not strong enough to lift the, such heavly, loaded trailer. Therefore, Matt found himself walking the interstate, in the pitch black dark, to find a mile marker so we could call a service to come lift our trailer.  All in all this little adventure took 2 1/2 hours! 

But, never fear homeschool mom was near, and while the men were working on the trailer, and the kids and I were up on the hill beside the road we had a lesson on hydraulics, pressure, and simple machines!!! There are opportunities everywhere!

At this point it was too late to continue, and we had a feeling we should get another tire and a better jack before heading on down the road anyway.  So, after a night in a hotel, the next morning we got both tire and jack and started again on our adventure to North Carolina.  The kids were done, especially Jodie, and it was a long morning, but we were not far from our new home . . .

When the second reason happened . . .

We had another flat tire, 4 miles from our new house, in the pouring rain.  Matt got soaking wet, but it was part of his Marine training :)This flat tire did not get a picture!  Didn't really care at this point and it was not very funny anymore! 

But, more importantly, we made it and we made it safely!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Glad you guys made it;) Sorry posted twice.

  3. Oh no! What are the chances it would happen twice?? So glad you made it there. :)

  4. Oh man! I'm so glad that you are all safe and sound and that there wasn't an accident involved in all that excitement. I guess it'll make moving in seem easy!

  5. Twice. What a bummer. Glad you guys made it there okay.
