Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

We had a great, LONG, weekend with Matt home!  Got some things packed, but other than that just really enjoyed spending time together!  We started our Memorial Day with a wonderful Ceremony at the local library...we went last year and thought it was a great way to start the day, so that all of us can remember what this day really means!  I was so proud to look over and see my kiddos with hands over their hearts and singing the National Anthem!

The rest of our day was spent playing, swimming, and grilling!!  Recipe for a great day!

Here are some snap shots of the kids swimming in our little blow-up pool.  Take note of Logan's swim attire (Christmas P.J.'s)!  Got to love that boy and I do...all of them!

Thank you, Matt, for getting some pics of me too!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Dilon and Jodie's Recitals

On May 19th Jodie and Dilon had their dance recitals!  They had worked so hard all year and had learned so much!  It was so much fun to watch them get up on stage and perform their dances! Daddy, Grandmama, Leah and family, and Christina and family came out to enjoy it as well!  We enjoyed so much having them all come!

Jodie really enjoyed herself on stage.  She knew her dance and was happy to show it!

Dilon LOVES the stage!  He enjoyed his time dancing and is actually signed up to do a jazz camp this summer!

TBS Graduation

Matt had his TBS graduation on May 16!

He did it and we are so proud of him!

Warrant Officer (WO) Matthew D. Tolbert

Side note: My battery died during the ceremony...this was taken in the hotel lobby:)

Dilon took this one for us!  I am so proud of Matt and what he accomplished! And I survived the time too:)