Friday, December 23, 2011

Two Days Before Christmas!

 Everyone has been saying how crazy this weather is, and it is!!     Because, today, 2 days before Christmas, we went to the beach!  It was beautiful, and with a light jacket it felt great.  Unless, of course, you are Logan and decided to jump in...that was a little chilly!


It was fun to have Uncle Bubby and Grandmama here with us!  The boys loved wrestling with Bubby!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Santa Pics

 At the exchange on base they had free photos with Santa, so we took the kiddos up and had their picture taken.  I hadn't planned on being in the shot, but you can see Jodie's feelings on the event!

Had to add these two, because Jodie is not joking about not wanting to be there taking a picture with Santa.

In our local Sneads Ferry Community they have for the past four years gone Hayride Christmas Caroling in a local neighborhood.  We joined them last night and had so much fun.  We snuggled down in the hay, layered in coats, hats and scarfs, and covered in was a little chilly on the outside, but felt really good!  Then the night was topped off with hot chocolate sprinkled with marshmallows. The kids say they are ready to go again!

Thanksgiving Skit

For Thanksgiving this year the kids and I decided to do a little skit of the first Thanksgving (Celebration)! They helped me write it, made hats and vests for costumes, set up props, and painted a background scenery. We then invited Gavin and his family to come join us. Dilon was our narrator/Indian, Logan was "green" King Massoit (check pics below :)), Gavin was Squanto, and Matt and Alex played pilgrims.

They enjoyed it so much and hopefully learned the story, more so, from acting it out!

Sorry, the pictures are not very good.  I assumed the role of director and spent time practicing with the kids while the light was good and ended up taking pictures once it got dark! It is o.k, though, we had a great time!

Our Cast.

You should of seen my bathroom:)

Friday, November 25, 2011

Christmas Cards

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


We had such a fun Halloween! Starting with the pumpkins...

Not sure where Logan got the cocking of the head to the side, but you will see it again!

Jodie's is on the left, Dilon's is in the middle, and Logan's is on the right.

These pics came from the Trunk-r-Treat at church...

Sorry, I do not have any of Logan.  I could barley keep up with him, much less take his picture.  There were bounce houses, a fun house, face painting, games, food, etc.  Lots of fun things to do!

Trick- r- Treating...

Aren't they all such cuties!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


A HUGE CONGRATS are in order for Matthew, who was selected for Warrant Officer!!!

We are so proud of you!

Soccer Party

Renegades Soccer Party

Here are two more pics I had from the last, freezing game!!

Logan's Soccer Season

Logan's year of soccer has come to an end!  He had such a great time and actually stayed on the field this year!!  He made friends with the other players on the team and really enjoyed himself.  Games were his favorite, maybe because of the snacks...but, he also loved being goalie. 

Way to go Renegades!!!


For our 10 year anniversary, Matt surprised (aka, gave me no choice :)) me with a trip to the Bahamas. I was so nervous to leave the kids, but knew it would be fun to get a chance to spend some time alone with Matt.  So, we left the kiddos in the care of Matt's mom, and off we went. 

It was beautiful!!  Never have I seen water so blue!  You could stand in it to your waist and still see your toes!  We relaxed a lot, did some extra sleeping, talked, read a "complete" book, snorkeled, kayaked, and played a game of beach volleyball (wow, am I out of shape!).  It was a good time!

And, the good thing about leaving behind great kids, it is easy to come home!

Here is a few shots of us snorkeling!

This stingray was in the water while we were snorkeling.  A set of those legs are mine in the background.

Thanks to everyone who helped us make this trip happen!!!